Tuesday 10 February 2015

Whowhatwear Day 7: Focus on your jewellery

I love to wear jewellery, but a lot of it is quite subtle so I tried to wear more interesting items today to make them more of a focus. This is a beadwork necklace I made from an online tutorial. I love it, but it took a very long time to make! I added some amber earrings in addition to my usual collection of ear metal, and added some more alternative rings to my usual silver selection and some bangles to complete the collection. Oh, and there are a load of roller derby badges on my lapel. Sort of jewellery!

Necklace tutorial here. It's realllly American so you might want to fast-forward bits if you feel like giving this a go! I did.
Similar amber earrings here.
Coconut ring here.

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