Monday 14 March 2016

Black, White and Leopard

I'm going to have a go at writing shorter blog posts. This is the fist, focusing on just one outfit. Nearly a year ago I wrote my first post on fashion and style, briefly musing about how some people seem to have developed a style that encapsulates their personality and makes even the simplest of outfits look unique and polished.

I'm still forever in search of this elusive style of my own, and until recently I didn't think there was anything definable about the clothes I wear, since I'm a fan of so many different eras and styles in general. I am learning a few things along the way, however, so hopefully I'll be able to build on what I'm discovering to create new looks for every day. One thing I've learnt is that I seem to be a big fan of black, white and leopard print, shown in this outfit I actually managed to snap on my lunch break.

There's quite a bit of retro inspired clothing here, with a pencil dress from Lindy Bop, and a shrug and coat from Collectif. I've worn them with my absolute favourite leopard print Bronx shoes to complete the leopard accents.

How did you work out your individual style? Are their certain items you always stick to or do you like to experiment? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Coat - Collectif
Shrug - Collectif
Dress - Lindy Bop
Shoes - Bronx (from ASOS)

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